The Islamic dawah movement has always had one clear goal: to please Allah. Our prayer, worship and beliefs should be for the sake of Allah alone, not to seek approval from others. When we show mercy and kindness to our fellow Muslims, it should be out of a desire to earn Allah’s pleasure, not for recognition or praise.
When we hold certain views about other religions, such as Jews and Hindus being hostile to believers, it’s because this is what the Quran teaches. It’s important to remember that our beliefs should be rooted in what Allah and His Messenger have revealed, not because we want to appear “based” or controversial. Even our understanding of political systems, like the duopoly serving one interest in the United States, should come from our faith, not from a desire to push a particular agenda.
Some might consider our views on topics like Jews, Hindus, women, brotherhood, or belief in God to be “abnormal.” But we don’t hold these beliefs to fit in with any modern trends or labels. We hold these views because they come from Allah and His Messenger. It’s not about being “based” or contrarian, but about staying true to the teachings that have been revealed to us.
You could have similar beliefs and actions to a Muslim, but if you don’t do it for the sake of Allah, believe in it because it was revealed from Allah and his rasool, your and actions and beliefs will not benefit you.
“And We will regard what they have done of deeds and make them as dust dispersed.”
(Quran 25:23)
Ask yourself, is it the based thing for you to do, or is it the pleasing thing for Allah for you to do?