From the very inception of Israel, it has been expelling natives from the land guaranteeing them no right to return and demolishing and exiling hundreds of thousands of families. many wonder, if it is that black and white, then why does the United States have to do with Israel, and more glaringly, why does the US Support Israel? To the shock of many, while familiar to most, a people who’s only sources of “reliable” information comes from state controlled, influenced and agonized media, its no say that most Americans supported the ousting of Saddam Hussein for a more viable Libyan future, or the war on Iraq for a more promising Iraqi future, or today, the funding of Israel, for a brighter and safer Israeli future. But as was the case with the previous examples, it was nothing, except a bait, which fish and sheep catch onto, and its owners waggle it around only to be followed again to no end for the sheep and fish.
Thus it could be reasonably concluded due to the following Examples, Operation Sanoma, 9/11, USS Liberty, PNAC, ACB DOC, and many more. Israel does not care about the United States except in its ardent support of its ethnosupremesist state and racist policies.
“Wildcard. Ruthless and cunning. Has capability to target U.S. forces and make it look like a Palestinian/Arab act.” – Washington Post – SEP/10/2001 Washington Post
It seems every time these journalists are repeating what t hey actually were led to believe. However, they are no more than puppeteers being controlled by the finger of the Zionist Terror State. This is important in dealing with these organization, which its anchors may have even been blackmailed in not saying anything because of the skeletons in their closets. (Jeffery Epstein was linked to the Mossad, getting influential figures to commit heinous actions, creating a perfect skeleton for the closet, at the disposal of the Israeli Mossad). So who really is being baited here? Who is your foe? And Who is your friend? Are the Palestinians carpet coming your homes?Are they paying these orgs to cover their state in a certain way? Are they holding meetings with top social Media Officials to censor videos and speech? Are they investing in companies that demoralize the youth, from the love affairs advertised on Disney cartoons, to the extremities of porn. Seems like talking points the right (more specifically evangelical christians) were adamantly against, ironically, when the ardent pushers and investors of these agendas, are JEWISH ZIONISTS.
Ex. Zim was a israeli Corp Half owned by Israel, lost 50k because they on the 16th level of the trade building ended the lease early, leaving the building 1 WEEK before the attack, which was set to expire at the end of 2001. They relocated to Texas and this movement was found highly suspicious by member of the FBI, and was further investigated. however, the investigator, mike dick was removed from duty by the Jewish Terrorist Member, a dual citizen, named Micheal Chertoff.
“According to a U.S. intelligence agency, the government of country A (Israel) conducts the most aggressive espionage operation against the U.S. of any U.S. ally.”
US General Accounting Office
“The Israelis are motivated by strong survival instincts which dictate every facet of their political and economic policies… It aggressively collects military and industrial technology and the U.S. is high priority target.”
US Intelligence Report
Mossad Funds (with US taxpayer dollars), Odigo, RD Israel (mossads hq), people on it got messages about attacks 2 hours prior to the attack. They never warned NY authorities which could have saved thtsouands of lives. Within a year, Odigo was caught by comverse, another Israeli information company, 5 Execs were reported to have profited 267 M from insider trading,
Through Israeli venture capital funds, Mossad spawns scores of software companies currently doing work in the United States.
Airport security in Saudia Arabia was handled by an Israeli Company called ICTS, most employees being EX Israeli Shin Bet Officers.
Israeli Companies Immune to 9./11 Lawsuits
Patriot Act
So, ICTS would never be compelled by the court of Law to show the records of security footage during the screening process, and how events churned out that day at the airports screening the individuals. This must’ve required institutional allowance as the Mossad with their intelligence agency would be able to carry out such a thing, getting access to employee information, whose and when’s, without anyone knowing.
Feith is a Pro-Israel Extremist, who has advocated Anti Air Policies in the past, associated with the Zionist Organization of America that support anti Arab Policies. Feith has a law firm that has an International office in Israel. How can such a man with glaringly obvious allegiances be held to run and guarantee a spot at a United States defense contract department, that can guarantee the protection of his state under his watch, by any means necessary.
Wolfwittz- Number 2 Leader behind Iraq Warmongering – Ties to Israeli Military – Sister lives in Israel
AIPAC spies postponed indefinitely because the head judge resigned to work for jewish law firm.