Probably gonna be my last post ever. But if i die…
Hi everyone. Most of know me as picklenutjuice, and some as 3ajoor… but my real name is Tarteil Omer Yagi. Im a 19 year old female. I have been venting extensively on reddit ever since the civil war in Sudan started. I wanna start off by thanking everyone who gave me their prayers support and love. It meant alot to me and i will never forget how random strangers on the internet stood by me more than my actual “friends”.
So, truth be told, there has been ups and downs but alhamdulilah god has been watching over us and making sure our bellies are stuffed and out bodies wrapped in warm blankets. And I couldn’t be more grateful for what we have right now. It might not be much but everytime i curse this situation im in I remember that there are families who are dealing with even worse issues and i pray everyone makes it through these difficult times.
For the past 2 weeks or so, we have been attacked and held hostages by the RSF. They took our phones and i managed to hide this one inside a box in a refrigerator. Our housekeeper just passed away a few minutes ago from all the beating and raping he had to go through. I saw him getting raped with a glass bottle and it broke inside him and they still kept sodomizing him. We had to wear gloves and dig in inside to remove the glass pieces and perform ghusul almayit on him then wrapped him up for the men to take him away so they can bury him. My his soul Rest In Peace.
The RSF are targeting us because they want our cars. They blithely destroyed and robbed all of the cars outside (the ones that they need is the toyota tacoma and the landcruiser and other small cars are just milked out of fuel) and they managed to get inside and found so many big cars for them to take away. Now my car is parked right behind them and they took out the wires and started the car but it wont move because its an automatic geared car and it needs the car keys. And we denied that we even know who this car belongs to.
I finally managed to convince my mother 50F and my dad 80M that sooner or later we are gonna get killed if we just wait for them to run their business and that we should take a run for it because we are now fugitives in their eyes. We are planning on going to bahri which is a nearby city and its not safe but at least we arent wanted there.
But the road to bahri is extremely dangerous. I dont know whats about to happen to me or my family but for what its worth i thought id just save my last words here.
I wanna thank my mother who fed and raised me and nursed me when i was at my lowest and cared for me when no one else did. And to my dad i want to thank him for helping me perusing my dreams of becoming a doctor and protecting me at all costs and raising me to be the woman i an today. And to my bestfriend moayad, you have been the most loyal friend i could ask for. You stood beside me and even though ur the most annoying human being on earth, i love you. I really do.
My fellow readers I dont want your empathy or pity, i want you to pray for me to be able to get through this so that i can see the light of the sun with you. And if i dont make it then I want you to remember that i stood my ground and stayed strong because of you.
I pray that allah protects me and my family and if not then allahuma husn alkhatimah. Ashhadu anna la ila ila allah wa ashhadu ana Muhammad rasul allah.
((وبشر الصابرين الذين إذا أصابتهم مصيبة قالوا إنا لله وإنا إليه راجعون أولئك عليهم صلوات من ربهم ورحمة وأولئك هم المهتدون))
Signing out.
“…Enough is Hell for a burning fire. Those who reject Our Signs, We shall soon cast into the Fire… For Allah is Exalted in Power, Wise.”
The Holy Quran (4:55-56).
This is the state of affairs in countries in turmoil. May Allah Soften Our hearts, before it is forcefully softened by these events. Wallahi, these are the things, we need to be aware of when we pray Salah, and when we read the quran. We want to leave this world confident in our resserection, and upcoming reward inshallah. May Allah Keep us Firm on his path and make us of the Martyrs. Ameen.