Once I [Mu’az bin Jabal] was with the Holy Prophet (PBUH). He was riding a camel and he (PBUH) took me up to sit behind him (PBUH). When we moved on, the Holy Prophet (PBUH) looked up to the heaven and said: All praise is for Allah who commands His creatures as He thinks fit. Then turning to me he (PBUH) said: I am telling you something. If you remember this it will benefit you, but if you forget it then you will have no argument before Exalted Allah.
- Mu’az! Before creating the heavens Exalted Allah created seven angels, one for every heaven and appointed one angel as guard at each gate of the heavens according to the dimensions of the gate. When the two angels [Kiraman Katibeen] rise up with the deeds of the servants there is light in them like the light of the sun. When they arrive at the first heaven the angel standing guard there asks Kiraman Katibeen to thrust the deed at the face of the servant. The angel says: I am the angel of “Backbiting”. My Lord, Allah has commanded me that I should not allow the deed of a backbiter to go up.
- The Kiraman Katibeen again rise up to the second heaven with some more deeds of the servant which shine like the sunshine. The angel stops them there and asks them to thrust the deed at the face of the servant, because his intention by this deed was to earn worldly resources. My Allah has commanded me not to admit the deed of a man who worked for someone other than Allah. The angels then curse him till the evening.
- Then the angels rise up with other deeds of the servant like alms, fasts, and other good deeds which then are considered to be very virtuous and valuable. But when they arrive at the third heaven the guarding angel stops them and asks them to thrust the deeds at the face of the doer. He says that he is the angel of Pride. He has commands from his Lord not to allow the deeds to go up, as the doer wanted to display his superiority among the people.
- The Kiraman Katibeen rise up with some more deeds of this servant which shine brightly like stars. These include nice deeds like prayer, Hajj, Tasbeeh (rehearsal on beads), fasting etc. When they reach the fourth heaven the guard angel stops them and asks them to thrust the deeds at the doer’s face. The angel tells them: I am the angel of pride and have commands from my Lord not to let the deeds go up higher as the doer adulterated his deeds with pride.
- Then the angels decorate like a bride his other righteous deeds which include Hajj, Jihad etc., shining like the sun. They take them to the fifth heaven. The guard angel stops them, saying: I am the angel of jealousy. The doer remains jealous of those whom Allah has by His mercy, granted His bounties. The man is not pleased with Allah’s generous grants. My Lord has commanded me not to let his deeds go up higher.
- Then the angels go up to the sixth heaven with his deeds like ablution, full purification, prayer, fasting, hajj etc. The guard Angel posted there stops them, saying, I am the Angel of mercy. Thrust the deeds at his face, as he has never shown mercy to anyone. He was pleased to see others in trouble and misfortune. My Lord has commanded me that I should not let his deeds rise up higher.
- Thereafter, the Kiraman Katibeen rise up to the seventh heaven with some more deeds of this man including alms, prayer, fasting, jihad, taqwa etc. These deeds give out loud sounds like thunder clap and lightning. The angel on the seventh heaven says: I am the angel of fame. This man had intended to earn fame through his deeds of moving in the company of Ulama and men of position & dignity. My Lord has commanded me not to let the deeds of this man go higher up. Thus, the deed which has not been done purely for Exalted Allah is ostentation (RIYAH) and He does not accept such deeds.
- Then the angels rise up with his good deeds like prayer, fasting, Zakat, Hajj, Umrah, amiable character, silence, Allah’s remembrance etc. The angels of the seventh heaven accompany them to see them off till they reach the Divine Court where all curtains are removed and they testify before Exalted Allah that the deeds of the servant are exclusively for Allah.
- At this moment Exalted Allah shall say: Your Angels look after the deeds of those servants but I look after their heart. I know that by these deeds he did not intend to seek My pleasure, nor did he do them exclusively for my sake. I know what he really intended by his deeds. My curse be on him that he deceived you as well as the people. He could, however, not deceive me because I know very well the innermost recesses of the hearts conceal. None can remain hidden from Me nor escape my grip; however hard he may try to be away from me. I have full knowledge of what has happened in the past and what shall happen in the future. My knowledge encompasses all those who have passed away and those who are to come. I am fully aware of all the secrets with their full details. None can deceive Me by his deeds. My servant may deceive the ignorant but he cannot deceive me, because I am the knower of the unseen. I, therefore, curse him. The seven Angels and the three thousand Angels, all curse him. Then the inmates of the heaven say that on him be their curse and the curses of those who curse such deceiver.
After hearing all these details Hazrat Mu’az (RAA) burst into tears and said: O Messenger of Allah (PBUH)! How to get rid of this calamity? The Holy Prophet said: O Mu’az, obey your Prophet (PBUH) with full faith and conviction. Hazrat Mu’az (RAA) said: You are a Messenger of Allah and I am Mua’az bin Jabal. How can I get salvation? The prophet of Allah (PBUH) said: O Mu’az, if your deeds are not up to the mark,
- Protect your tongue from speaking ill of others and disgracing others, particularly your brethren and the Huffaz (those who have committed the Holy Qur’an by Heart).
- Do not meddle with affairs of your brethren and other persons.
- Let your own evil self-refrain from dishonoring others.
- Do not praise yourself by speaking ill of your Muslim brethren.
- Never think of establishing your superiority by disregarding others.
- Do not take resort to ostentation to earn fame.
- Do not busy yourself with the affairs of the world so keenly as to be totally neglectful to the affairs of Hereafter.
- If someone is sitting with you do not talk secretly to a third person.
- Do not express to others your superiority among the people lest your deeds should be ruined in this world and in the Hereafter.
- Refrain in your assemblies on talking of shamelessness and lewdness, lest people should avoid you on account of your misbehavior.
- Do not injure with your tongue the honor of others lest the ‘dogs of hell’ should tear you to pieces. Almighty Allah has said in the holy Qur’an: “Wanna shitoaati nashtoaa” [Surah Naaziyat, 2] And when they tear away the flesh from the bones. (79:2)
I then said: O Messenger of Allah (PBUH) who possesses the ability to act upon all these injunctions? The Holy Prophet (PBUH) said: Action is easy for that servant for whom Exalted Allah provides ease. Dislike for others also that which you dislike for yourself. [Action in this way may bring you salvation.]
Hazrat Khalid bin Ma’dan (RA) has said that Hazrat Mua’z (RAA) did not recite the holy Qur’an as much as he recited this Hadith. He frequently talked about this Hadith in his assemblies.
Imam Ghazzali (RA), the author of the book Minhajul Abideen said: The hearts shudder with fear and suffocation and the minds are disturbed by thinking of the warnings and great risks disclosed in this Hadith. It is therefore, necessary to seek Allah’s protection and refuge and lay yourself in His gate, weeping and in all humbleness and submission all days and nights. You have no protection from this torment except Allah’s mercy. You cannot cross over the sea of punishment without Allah’s glance of compassion on you. It is necessary for you to rise from the slumber of negligence, to understand the aim of life and to launch a crusade against the self in this terrible valley, so that you may attain salvation in the Hereafter and may not go with those doomed to loss and ruin. Help will however, come only from Allah, as alone is the Most Merciful.